Monday, March 15, 2010

My First Sewing Machine

This is my first sewing machine. I was 14 when I got it from my Aunt Agripina (abuelita Emma’s sister). This is a very special sewing machine that belonged to my Great Grandmother Morfilia . It’s the second singer generation all manual no electricity. It worked great. I sew different stuff it only could do straight stitching but it was a lot of fun for me being able to fix my clothes with my own sewing machine. When my mom went back to Peru to sell everything that was left there. She mentioned the machine so many memories came to my mind that I wanted my sewing machine here. She brought it in her container. Now, it’s in a very special place and it always will be in a special place in my heart. Now, I just close my eyes and I can see my Aunt Gripa’s tired hands showing me how to use the machine. What it is more special is that my Aunt was blind (she got glaucoma later in years), but that never stopped her from showing us every thing she could do.

Autumn Kiss by Phuong Ton
Art Masks by Phuong Ton
Resolutions by Phuong Ton
Garden Delights Alpha by Randi Oh


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